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The community of Matimekush, which means “little trout”, is located on the shores of Lake Pearce, about 510 km north of Sept-Îles. The community of Lake John was transferred from the provincial to the federal government in 1960, during the golden age of neighbouring iron ore mining exploitation. In 1968, Quebec also transferred what is now the Matimekush reserve to Canada. In May 1998, the Governor in Council granted a decree that set aside 131 acres of land for the use of the Schefferville Innu band.

Phonetic: Ma-ti-mé-kosh

Number of persons within the community: 749
Number of persons outside the community: 90
Total: 839

Territory Name: Matimekosh Reserve and Lac John Reserve
Matimekush: 68 hectares (168 acres)
Lac John: 23.3 hectares (57.6 acres)
Matimekosh is located on the shore of Lac Pearce, approximately 510 kilometres north of Sept-Îles.
Lac John is located 3.5 kilometres from Matimekosh and the centre of Schefferville.

Tribal Council: Mamuitun

The local economy is based chiefly on goods and services businesses as well as construction.
The Corporation de développement économique Matimekush - Lac John is the organization responsible for local economic development.
There are approximately 10 businesses on this reserve: services such as a convenience store, pharmacy, heavy equipment, auto mechanics, camping equipment and supplies; plumbing, gas station, outfitters, video rental.

École Kanatamat Tahitipetitamunu: Pre-Kindergarden to Secondary 4
Number of students: 117

Fire protection: Provided by the municipality of Schefferville
Police services: Provided by the Aboriginal police force recognized under an agreement between the Band council, the Government of Canada and the Government of Quebec.
Medical care: Nursing station managed by the Band council under a transfer agreement with Health Canada.
Main community facilities: Community radio station, community centre, church, arena, gymnasium, library
Housing Units:
Matimekosh: 172
Lac John: 12

Statistics Canada (2006 Census)


3:53 min. - Schefferville was built very quickly after the discovery of minerals. The presence of Whites multiplied daily. Many Indians from other communities came here, particularly from Uashat and Mani-utenam.


Uldéric Mckenzie - How was Schefferville founded? Schefferville was built very quickly, a large amount of equipment and materials arrived all at the same time. Every day brought more and more Whites. Many Indians came from other communities, particularly from Uashat and Mani-utenam. We lived in a tent, where the airport is now. Then we moved to Lake John, a ramshackle village. We built our houses with huge cardboard boxes and pieces of wood. We used anything we could find. Mathieu André found rock on his hunting territory. His land was in that area. Development started from that time on. Many people came, they built everywhere. Then, the Naskapi came from the North to live with us in Lake John. In my opinion, selling one's land is like selling your soul.
Music - Philippe Mckenzie


Philippe etienne 2 years ago

Bonjour Dolorès
Le temps passe la mémoire et les souvenirs demeures.Je m'appelle Philippe ETIENNE et habite en France peu être vous pouvez m'aider?
En 1967 j'étais chef cuisinier à l''hotel Montagnais de Shefferville aujourd' disparu je crois ;et j'ai connu quelques personnes indiennes houp! pardon INNU j'avais eu l'occasion de participer à un bingo au sous sol l'egise de la réserve et terminer la soirée dans une famillel ; je me souviens que que dans la maison je fut très bien reçu et au chaud car a l'extérieur c'était frisquet Une chose est restée dans ma tète jusq' a aujourd'hui; deux jeunes filles d se sont mis à chanter en langue indienne bien sur je comprenais rien mais retenu la mélodie
bien connu en France "alouette gentille alouette" ' une des des j; fille janne d'arc d'une quinzaine d'année aujourd'hui proche des 70 je pense
Je suis très impliqué sur les us et coutumes des cultures autochtones en France j'essaie de donner des informations " des premières nations "du nouveau monde; j'aimeras savoir ce qui advenu de ces jeunes personnes; merci et sincères salutations Philippe

Dolorès André 10 years, 12 months ago

Je suis née à Matimekush et fière d'être Innu de la communauté de Matimekush-Lac John. J'ai vécu au Lac John et avons été obligé de déménagé à Matimekush. J'ai toujours aimé ce territoire ancestral et voyagé à travers ces lacs, ses montagnes, ses forêts avec mon père, ma mère, ma soeur, mes frères, ma familles et amis. C'est ma vie, ma culture, ma tradition innue qui restera toujours comme cela! Chez Nous J'aime xxx

Dolorès André 10 years, 12 months ago

This is where I was born and travel around the lakes, mountains and forest with my father, my mother, sister, brothers, family members and friends. It is our ancestral land with full of nature and Innu Culture related life! I love it! and will Always xxx

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