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Caribou Hide


10:49 min. - Before tanning or smoking, we decide on the hide's use. Once the hide has been prepared and all holes filled, we fetch the tools for smoking: stones and an old tree stump.


Philomène Mckenzie - Since we're going to smoke the skin, I'm stitching it up to keep the smoke from escaping through the holes. You have to close all the holes, the one made by the bullet, as well as tick holes. We use patches on the larger holes. The skins have many ticks in the spring. Before tanning or smoking, we decide what to do with the skin.
Narrator - Once the skin has been prepared, and all the holes closed, we'll fetch the tools we need for smoking: stones and an old tree trunk.
Philomène Mckenzie - You can use any kind of wood. In this case, it's spruce. By crumbling the rotten wood, you increase the amount of smoke.
Narrator - The colour won't be uniform, because the smoke doesn't penetrate the same way everywhere, or with the same intensity. There are seams, folds, and drafts inside the tent to contend with.
Philomène Mckenzie - Anyhow, we'll set it up with cords, which will help the smoke go everywhere. First, we place the skin temporarily. Then, we adjust our set-up as we go along. It's a large skin, I don't know if the smoke will penetrate everywhere.
That's it for the set-up. Now, we'll have to watch it to make sure the wood doesn't burst into flames as it comes into contact with the hot stones.
The way the skin was removed when the animal was butchered, means that it's not straight now, and we'll have to make many adjustments.
Here's the result! It's the best we could do with this skin.
The paler shades were caused by drafts in the tent, and the darker ones by wood that was too rotten.
With this thicker piece of skin we can make moccasins. This skin is thin, here. We'll use it to make children's moccasins and mittens. It's a spring skin, it had parasites. It's not the best quality for moccasins.
See those white marks? Those are parasites. The insects get into the hair in the fall, and this is the result by spring. The best skins are fall ones. The colour of the skin is a success. But, because the large skin is so thin, we'll only use it to make mittens, or small objects that don't have to be too resistant. Even though this is not the best-quality skin, we can still make many things with it. Ultimately, despite its faults, it's a fine skin.


Françoise et Elise QUENTIN 6 years, 6 months ago

Ma fille de 9 ans et moi-même, en France, cherchions une vidéo d'utilisation de racloir, au lieu de regarder des schémas de ce que les paléontologues imaginent!
Nous avons donc pu voir, entendre, imaginer les odeurs (ma fille pense que ça doit sentir fort, la cervelle), nous rendre compte du savoir-faire nécessaire et du temps qu'il faut.
Merci pour ce merveilleux document.

Frank Jolin 8 years, 8 months ago

Merci d'avoir partage cela, je trouve cela très intéressant. Es-ce que l'on fait fumer selement une fois la peau? ou l'on repette le processus jusqu'a ce que l'on est satisfait du resultat?
Merci a vous tous

Samuel Desjardins 8 years, 10 months ago

C'est très intéressant de voir et de pouvoir garder en mémoire les techniques de nos ancêtres. Merci beaucoup pour ces vidéos et tout le travail que vous avez accompli et que vous accomplissez en gardant vivant ces techniques et ce mode de vie.

Merci à vous tous.

Carl Savard 11 years, 11 months ago

Je suis métis des descendance Innu. Comme ca me fais du bien de finalement voir comment une partie de mes ancetres ont vécu...!

Merci beaucoup !! :o)

bond 12 years, 7 months ago

C'est magnifique comme ces gens ont pu développer tant de techniques pour vivre en foret. Rien n'est perdu de la bête: manger, vêtement, cuir, etc. Tout ....la Ste-paix . J'aurais surement aimer vivre comme cela, la tranquillité et apprécier ce que la terre nous donne pour vivre .......merci pour ces vidéos très instructif que j aimerais dont pouvoir me faire une paire de raquette genre patte d ours avec cette babiche ......MERCI A TOUS CEUX QUI ONT PARTICIPÉ A CES VIDÉOS MERCI XXXX

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4 Related Video to Caribou Hide

31 Related words or expressions

akutshimakanu mishtikuai
they soak the hide
katshepushtauakanu mishtikuai
we sew the hide to plug up the holes
mamakupetshineu utipaput
mix and knead the hide in the brain mixture to saturate it with the oil
they scrape hides
mautakanua ashinia
to gather stones
minuetshineu mishtikuaia
she folds the caribou hide
drum hoop
they scrape the hide
nakashkuauakanu mishtikuai
they keep the hide in the wind
we let the hide dry
they scrape a hide to remove the hair
they make a scraper to remove hair from the hide
pashkutshikan tshikauanu
he makes a scraper
dry, rotten tree stump
pimikatakanu utipapui
they add a little oil to the liquid brain mix
pitshissinikanu pashkutshitaku
crumble the stump so it dries faster
shash tshishi-uishkushauenanu
the smoking is finished
they hang up the hide remove excess water
they use a tool to wring it
he stretches the beaver hide
tshipuapitakanu mishtikuai
they tie up the hide to keep it closed
they use stakes to stretch the skin so it will dry
stake to keep the hide stretched and off the ground
uashkapeshuakanu mishtikuai
we trim the edges of the hide
cut rawhide sinew strips
uashtekanapissamu ashinia
heat the stones till they’re red
unikutakanu mishtikuai
we hang the hide to smoke it
caribou brain mixed with a bit of water

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