

2:54 min. - “What were the Whites looking for in Natashquan?”
“I think they came here looking for a safe place to live”. Joseph Bellefleur


Joseph Bellefleur - We followed the Natashquan River all the way to Nipi shipu and from there we took the Aguanish River. Then we crossed another river, Kuanissiu shipu, the deep river, and we came to a place where there were 4 portages. Next, we arrived at a spot called the "horse's behind". We gave it that name because this mountain resembles a horse's hind quarters. From there, we followed a winding river called Manaik, then went on to Lake Manaik, a very big lake.
Evelyne St-Onge - What were you looking for on the land?
Joseph Bellefleur - A wife.
Evelyne St-Onge - Did you find one?
Joseph Bellefleur - No, I found her in Mingan. I married a young widow who had been married the previous year. I thought I had married a virgin.
Evelyne St-Onge - What do you think the Whites were looking for in Natashquan?
Joseph Bellefleur - I didn't know the first Whites, but I think they came here to find a safe place to live.
Evelyne St-Onge - Were there houses when you were chief?
Joseph Bellefleur - No, not yet. Afterwards, my uncle, Sylvestre Bellefleur, became chief, and that's when we began building houses.
Music - Philippe Mckenzie

1 Comment

Robert Henri 12 years, 6 months ago

Je ne sais pas ce que les premiers allochtones sont venus faire à Nutashkuan ni ce qu'ils y cherchaient. Dans mon cas, je suis arrivé là au début de l'été 1981 pour y travailler. Je voulais connaître les Innuat. J'y ai trouvé des amis. Tshimistanashkumitin Nutashkuan.

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