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Preparations for Delivery

6:11 min. - Our Innu grandmothers never went to school. They possessed a great treasure, that of passing on values. They were always ready to receive a child and always there as the child grew.


Evelyne St-Onge & Anne-Marie André - I think someone is coming... Hello, Anne-Marie.
I was nearby, I didn't know you were here.
We've been camping here for 4 days now.
I'm happy to see my relatives.
She's going to give birth soon, I'll be a great-grandmother. I'm glad.
Will I be a godmother? Why didn't you tell me what you were up to?
You're always off in the bush. You can't stay in one place.
Anne-Marie André - Our grandmothers never went to school, they had a wealth of values to pass on, they were always ready to welcome a child, and always there while the child was growing up. They weren't saints. There were moments of anger and sadness. How can you be sad in the bush? You have trees, animals, grass and rivers. Life is there.
Woman - Patients arrive here anytime, day or night. When a pregnant woman comes in, it's important to know if the baby is positioned properly. So we massage the veins like this, and if you have the necessary knowledge, it's possible to tell whether or not the baby is engaged.
A voice behind asks: And if the baby isn't engaged yet?
In that case the blood doesn't circulate. But when the baby is positioned properly, it circulates. And furthermore, if you want to know whether it's a boy or a girl, we observe the blood while massaging the vein. If it circulates fast, then it's a boy; if circulation is slow, it's a girl. And to find out when a woman will deliver, we massage the smaller vein. But then again, it takes a certain kind of knowledge.
When I want to be sure that the delivery will go smoothly, I prepare a mix of cumin, parsley, sapalomuho, popusa and chamomile for the woman who's about to deliver. I boil half for her to drink and I grind the rest to make a rub. I also massage her with mentasayo and give her singalito. Never coca leaves!
Evelyne St-Onge, Laura Pinette & Anne-Marie André - Do you sleep well?
No, I never sleep well these days.
Is it moving?
Yes, when I sleep, it's heavy, I have a hard time turning over. It hurts here, and I can't sleep well, but I sleep anyways, even though it hurts.
Are you eating well?
I don't eat as much as I used to. I get full quickly. It's as if it's pressing on my stomach.
Do you eat enough?
Yes, I can eat often, but not a lot. When I'm hungry I eat a little at a time.
What did your doctor say when you went to see him?
Everything's normal, the baby's healthy. I'm already somewhat dilated, it's getting ready to come out, it bothers me a bit, I'm in such a hurry to deliver, it's not far.
You still have two weeks.
Yes, we're waiting.
You've already prepared everything at home?
Yes, we're waiting. I've even taken out the diaper.
And your mother?
My mother can't wait. She calls me, she asks if things are fine, if I'm okay.
I'm also waiting for a call anytime.
It will happen when we least expect it.
I'll also wait, in case I'm asked to be the godmother.
Everyone will be on standby.
Yes, everyone will be ready.
Everyone is excited, the father, too, he's always talking about the baby.
Music - Kathia Rock

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