Innu Perspective


2:34 min. - Indians were passed from one jurisdiction to another over the years. For more than 50 years, they came under the jurisdiction of the Immigration Department (!!)


Narrator - Except for the North Shore and Minganie, everywhere appear Indian groups who try to have a political voice and are not very successful: The Fédération des sept feux de la Vallée du Saint-Laurent from 1660 to 1860. The Indian Nation of North America Government in 1945. But still, from 1949 to 1965 the indians are governed by the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration. In 1969, Jean Chrétien’s white book. To survive indians have to become good and nice white people with a tan. In 1970, a National Fraternity of the Indians of Canada is founded; it becomes the Assembly of First Nations in 1980. In 1982, following the Constitutional debates, Canada passes laws protecting fundamental rights of the indigenous people. In Minganie, traditional ways though modified, went on until the creation of the Ekuanitshit reservation in 1963 and the construction of boarding-schools. Children were separated from their families and a superintendent was placed in each reservation, who had almost absolute power inside the communities. He could emit permits to leave the reservation even temporarily. And there was a curfew and control over guests. It’s in this context that the Innus of Ekuanitshit contest the management of the river by americans.
Music - Philippe Mckenzie

1 Comment

Clermont Cyr 2 years ago

Merci de me renseigner Il serait grand temps que vous récupéreriez tous vos droits Surtout votre dignité que l’on vous a volée Que cette production vous serve pour votre justice Soyez fier de qui vous êtes Je vous souhaite de retrouver vos valeurs et surtout votre culture.Je vous appuie à 100%
Bon courage et que votre combat pour la justice continue

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